Monday, January 7, 2008

Being a New Hampshirite during a Presidential Primary

So, tomorrow is Jan. 8, 2008 and that means only one thing in the State of NH:

We're having a Presidential Primary!
We're having the 1st in the Nation Presidential Primary!
We're the focus of every National Media Force in the United States of America because all eyes of the American People (who by the way are sitting on the edge of their seats) to watch and see if we match the #1 candidates that were picked during last week's Iowa Caucus!


Do any of you realize what a responsibility it is to be a resident of the State of NH during this time of year? Well, let me tell you a little about our plight...

First of all, imagine that every time you turn on your TV to watch the Nightly News that every commercial (not every other commercial...that ended about Oct.) but every commercial is a political ad. During Christmas do you know that (starting with Mike Huckabee) they were posing in front of a Christmas tree stating I don't want to talk to you about voting for me but rather to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday (not the exact phrases used but you get the idea). After watching that refreshing commercial...I have to admit he had me almost ready to vote for him. Only I'm now a registered Democrat after being a registered Republican (cause that's who my Dad voted for when I registered at age 18 (Jimmy Carter was still a sore spot) and Ronald Regan was a great President (it's my opinion and I'm stickin to it!) so I can't vote for Mike Huckabee.

Anyway, imagine all the commericals being political ads and you'll just go bloomin NUTS! (thank God there's that clicker!) QVC take me away from all of this! (Yeah, I've heard all the quips about the "Q" being one big infomercial but it's more entertaining than you know. Try it. I dare ya.)

Okay, so tonight we not only are having to endure every commercial being a political ad but we are now listening to the candidates being interviewed individually to tell us why we should vote for them. Meanwhile, Phil's screening the telephone (we're hi-tech now with caller id and when you can't tell the number (even when on the do not call list)) there's always...voicemail! Yup, they call non-stop to see if they can't get you to either tell them who you're voting for or you can bet it's one of those pollsters calling to make sure you vote for their candidate. (Now, picture me with my fingers in my ears and singing La..La..La...La!)

Phil just announced that the local news has stated that the towns are making sure they don't run out of ballots. That would be worse than the hanging chads! Thanks Florida for that little SNAFU!

So, it's now the Eve of the 2008 Presidential Primary and the pressure is on. I'll admit, as Phil has too, we're undecided going into tomorrow. So, the question will be...if you were in our shoes, who would you vote for?

More to follow tomorrow.

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